Monday, April 19, 2010

Grocery Shopping Report

Okay, so week 1 of meal planning. I went to the grocery store, armed with my list. I have to say, beside some frozen yogurt and icepops I stuck to the list. So, in my kitchen I now have an entire weeks worth of food, minus some fresh stuff for salads that I will buy they day we will eat it. And the best part is that sticking to my list saved me moolah! I spent $100.70. I normally spend more than that and don't have a plan of what we are actually going to eat.

1 comment:

  1. That is great. I spent more this weekend -but that is because I just ran out of some essentials. I made two meals on Sunday and one tonight that will give us plenty of leftovers and options for Keith to feed the kids while I am way.
